
Systematize Satisfication Creating a flawless and elegant experience for your customer will enhance your chances of impressing them. We live in a culture of convenience which means expectations are on the rise, which makes it even more visible when processes and experiences are manual and complex. With the use of the right technology you can […]

Masalah work order yang tidak teratur boleh menjejaskan operasi bengkel kereta anda. Ini boleh menyebabkan kelewatan dalam penyelesaian tugasan, kehilangan dokumen penting dan kadang-kadang kesilapan dalam membuat pengiraan komisen di hujung bulan. Sebagai pemilik bengkel kereta, anda pasti kusut dengan masalah work order yang kucar-kacir. Jadi bagaimana anda boleh mengatasi semua masalah ini? Mari kita […]

The auto repair industry is expeditiously changing, repairing vehicles nowadays has become high-tech occupation with technicians using a laptop, computer or a handheld device are a common sight during the repair or services. In this ever changing landscape, workshop owners are fighting to simplified their daily operational activities and in understanding the diverse nature of […]

A well-organized workshop can be a time and money saving asset. Managing your workshop appropriately is vital to ensure deadlines are met and downtime is kept to a minimum. These are some of the tools you need to keep everything running smoothly. Organizing Tools Ineffective workshops are usually the result of inefficient scheduling. Having a […]

Sebagai pemilik bengkel kereta, anda pasti sibuk. Banyak perkara yang perlu dilakukan dalam sehari sampai tak sempat nak pantau perkara yang penting. Pernah tak masuk bengkel, tak tahu nak urus yang mana satu? Nak pantau sales ke, nak kejar invois belum bayar ke, atau nak pastikan komisyen pekerja? Semuanya penting! Tapi yang paling susah nak […]

Lately, mobile apps are becoming increasingly desired among companies. Be it e-commerce stores or the automotive shops, every business is trying to reach their respective customers even closer with the help of these smart system. Every passing day, the usage of smart system is increasing and this has a significant impact on the number of […]